
Friday 16 September 2016


I love being tanned. Not just for how it makes me look on the outside but also for confidence boost! It is a long battle we serve trying to get along with how we look and accepting ourselves for what we are so if you can find something that makes it that little bit easier than go for it. I have used gradual tanners since I was about 15(not that it made me look any better during that awkward period haha) but have been using proper fake tan for about 18 months now. I have never used sun beds or had a spray tan because I find it so easy doing it at home especially now I have more or less mastered my routine. I think the key part to having a nice tan is the prep and looking after your skin, just like with applying makeup the better the skin is before applying the better the finished look will turn out. I have always moisturized my whole body everyday after having a shower for years now which I think is a reason I have never really ever had any disastrous fake tan episodes even when I was new to it. Now adding to this my weekly fake tan prep makes sure my skin is in the best condition so the tan applies as flawlessly as possible. 


I usually shower the morning of the day I fake tan so my pores have time to close stopping the fake tan sinking into them by the time I apply it in evening time.The first and most important step is to exfoliate your skin to make sure all the flaky dry areas are removed and to get rid of any remaining fake tan so that you have a clean base. For my first method I exfoliate using a glove with pure lemon juice and go over my whole body. I use the lemon juice to break down any old fake tan as it is acidic as sometimes it can be tricky to remove using just a glove so obviously you can skip this step if you it isn't relevant. Then I shave my legs and underarms as these areas need to be smooth and soft in order for the tan to apply better. The reason I shave after I have exfoliated is because the glove brings out all the hair particles so you get an even better shave. Lucky for me my leg hair does not grow very fast so I can get away with only shaving once a week but if you do it more regularly you need to be prepared for the tan to strip off much quicker. After shaving I then use a body scrub as a second level to my exfoliating, this is optional but as I wear fake tan on the regular and it can sometimes be tricky to get off by scrubbing my skin twice it ensures it is all off the best it can be. It also makes the skin even softer. I prefer to use scrubs with any acidic ingredients as just like the lemon juice this really helps to remove fake tan.


It is then very important to wash your body thoroughly to make sure all the products you have just used to get rid of any remaining tan and dead skin are gone. I just use whatever shower gel I currently have and a luther(sometimes if I feel I need even more exfoliating I use the glove instead) and just lather my whole body like you normally do everyday. I then turn off the shower and put baby oil all over myself while I am still wet before I get out then I just dry myself normally removing the excess oil with towel along with the water like normal. This is the one day a week I do not moisturize after a shower as the fake tan does not stick as well otherwise so I always apply baby oil as it locks in the moisture in any areas that are a little dryer and it still makes my skin feel how it normally would after using a cream. 

Thats the prep done! Although it may seem a bit excessive and does take around 40 mins to an hour depending if I am on a go slow I truly believe that prepping the skin correctly is the KEY to a perfect fake tan. It makes applying the tan a lot easier too, it usually takes me 10 mins max to do mine but I will go on about that in moment. I have a lot of compliments on how well I do my fake tan and how real it looks and I always tell people that the main reason is because I treat my skin right in the first place. It really does make the whole world of difference, in no means am I an expert but I am a real life human who has narrowed it down to that key rule!


I use Bondi Sands because it is so affordable and by far my favourite tan ever! Although I haven't tried too many, before this I used to use Tan Tastic which costs £20 something pounds and although is great just doesn't give me the result this one does which only costs £15!! I use the medium/dark formula which even though I am naturally quite pale doesn't look really unnatural on me, sometimes I even use 2 coats because I feel it is not dark enough(although they have released a new extreme dark one which comes to the UK in January so we know I will be all over that). It also smells great too, not as biscuit like as most gradual and fake tan do. 

You can purchase it here at Boots or here at Superdrug. They also have their website which is linked here if you aren't from the UK and want to find out where stocks it near you!

I use any old mitt usually, they get gross quite quickly so I just replace them as I need too. At the moment I am using a velvet one which I got from River Island as I heard they were better than the normal sponge ones. I do feel it sucks up to much product and wastes it so cannot say I will buy one like it again but it has been a lot more long wearing. I usually go arms/chest/neck/back/tummy/thigh/leg/foot/thigh/leg/foot and then any remaining tan I put all over my hands but straight after I go over them with a baby wipe and this removes any excess tan. The best thing I have ever found to get rid of having awful obviously fake tanned hands. I do not fake tan my face as I wash it that often it is gone in a day or so, I just wear darker makeup to match it to the rest of me. A lot of people struggle with applying it to their back but I really do not and the whole process usually takes me about 10 minutes to do my whole body! Over time you get quicker and find the routine that suits you best. I do not see it as a chore as it really doesn't take any more time really in an evening on top of removing my makeup. 

I hope this was a little bit insightful even if it was only the baby wipe tip you got from it! haha.
Here is to a lovely September weekend!

Monday 12 September 2016

Learning to drive

This year I have been learning to drive and recently I passed my test woo! I thought as this can be a very stressful and nerve wrecking experience for some that I would post about my learning process and give some tips regarding what I personally think may help in anyway.

As soon as I booked my first set of driving lessons I also booked in for my theory test so I could get it out the way and focus on the practical side. At my local theory test center there was around 3/4 weeks before the earliest date so this might be something to consider if you leave it till later as it could hold back your progression if your instructor thinks you're ready to book your driving test. Although a lot of people say this is the easiest part of learning to drive it still requires you to actual do some revision, even if that is just looking up the road signs and stopping distances. However it does involve a lot more than that and would be worth looking through one of the many theory books you can purchase or like I did downloading one of the apps. All in all it is definitely worth practicing even if its only the last few days before your test because there is so much varied content that can come up unless you are very intelligent I doubt most would know as common knowledge. Although some are common sense others require actual research and it is better to do it before than have paid I think its £36(don't quote me on that) and be sat there lost and at more chance of failing and having to pay again! I passed mine first time but that was only because I lived and breathed the app running up to it. Don't worry to much if you fail because if you do it early on in the learning process unless you're one of those natural drivers who pass in a matter of months you will have time to redo it without holding yourself back on the practical side. 

The app cost around £4.99 but the amount I used it the price tag is nothing. I would highly rate it as it has study section which splits the learning into 14 topics and each topic has around 5 or so subtopics, after you complete the whole topic it will move you onto the practice section which includes I think(do not quote me on this) every possible question that may come up regarding that area. Some has as little as 12 questions and others over 140 but your knowledge will be sound after completing each study section and each pratice section. It also lets you do mock tests, you can do as many as you want whenever you please which is great to keep testing yourself running up to the real thing. Also as part of the theory test you get tested on Hazard Perception and the app has a separate section for that. It has 10 videos like the ones shown in the real test and you have to click on the hazards. 

If you would like to purchase this app here is the link. Otherwise type into your app store(on Apple not sure about android or other) The official DVSA theory test. 

If you want more in depth information regarding the theory test follow this link here to the GOV website which covers everything you may need. 


Learning to drive is very expensive. There is no way around the fact it will be quite an investment but obviously once it is done that is it forever and it will probably be one of the best things you have ever put your money into.(Although running a car isn''t the cheapest thing either haha!) 

  • LESSONS-A lot of instructors allow you to buy lessons in 10 hour blocks but the price can vary depending on each individual instructor or driving school. My first 10 were £150 however my cousin paid £220 for his first block with a different instructor! On average then you are looking at lessons costing about £20/25 per hour and £40/45 per two hour if you pay individually. Overall I spent about £650 on lessons, this was for 34 hours of tuition. Bloody hell that is a lot now I have worked it out! 
  • TESTS- The theory test is around £35 which is a one off payment. You have to pay every time you take it so if you fail the costs add up quickly. This is the same for the practical, the test itself it £65 each time you take it. Also if you are using an instructors car you have to pay for the two hours at the normal rate they charge. 
  • PROVISIONAL INSURANCE- Although it isn't essential to have independent driving outside of paying for driving lessons if you are lucky enough to own a car or can get insured on somebody you knows car it might be worth it. I luckily owned my own car and for 8 weeks full provisional insurance it cost me £180. If you plan to use a car which is already fully insured you can get it much cheaper from as little as £2 a day. This set however could defo be missed if you want to save money as lessons alone are just as good. 


Whether you go with a driving school or independent instructor it is worth looking around and doing your research regarding pass rates and past pupils, do NOT just go for the sake of someone being cheap or someone being expensive. You could pay a lot for lessons as you think that must mean they are the best, in most instances in life this is true but with something like learning to drive that isn't always true. Sometimes you may be paying so much because someone simply uses an AUDI or BMW for their car, therefore lessons cost more as it costs more to fuel and insure. However that being said also do not just go for someone because they are cheap as it works the opposite. Basically what I am trying to say it find someone with genuine reviews and preferably go with someone who your friend or relative learnt with. In this case the price does not reflect value. 


A very important thing to consider especially if you are very keen to drive is that you need to be able to have the time and dedication to stick at it. If you want to try and limit how much you spend on learning(although regardless it will cost a lot) knowing you will be in the same place long enough to allow for a lesson each week for at least 3/5 months.(for instance if you move to UNI in say 2 months it isn't very likely you will be passed and then if you can't have any lessons for a while will basically be back at square one spending even more money) Everybody takes a different amount to be ready for their test but as long as you have the time to see it through without having major gaps in between will make for the best and most efficient learning experience. It is also very important you want to do it!!! If you have the drive to do it and the want for it then you will succeed a lot better than not being fussed. It can get very challenging sometimes(well it did for me) and the want to give up was real but if you can just get over that bad lesson every now and have enough want to carry on then that is the best mindset to have if you are considering learning.


I think this is a big area that many people face when learning to drive, not feeling confident enough or putting to much pressure on themselves to pass or already be at a certain point after a certain amount of time(not so the confidence but I know the pressure part was a big thing for me). As hard as it is just relax and know you will get there when you are ready, some people take months some take years, some take one test some take 5! The main thing is do not compare your learning process to anyone else or to the expectations you think you should be reaching. I know peer pressure and competition can also come into play especially when everyones turning 17 and learning but try and focus on yourself. For me I was 18 when I started so most people who wanted to drive had already done it and I am never really phazed by the pressure of others but more effected by my own self! I doubted my ability to drive so much and I really was my own worst enemy when learning. It wasn't the fact I wasn't confident driving I just doubted myself. I passed first time in about 6 months, I was so shocked when I passed I went in convinced I had failed but nope I surprised myself and I think its taught me I need to have more faith in myself! Just do not give up regardless how hard it may seem sometimes because it is sooo worth it in the end.

I hope this post was helpful as I know I found learning to drive horrible! But once it is done its over forever. If there are any more questions or want another post on anything to do with driving just let me know.

Have a nice week.

Monday 5 September 2016

Current Favs.

Along with this autumn weather looming upon us (woohoo we are nearing the best few months of the year!) it only feels right to sit and write away in this little world of my own. Something so much more satisfying about being tucked up in bed with your laptop when it is raining outside. Hopefully I can pick up this little hobby to distract me when I am feeling stressed or at loss with sometimes challenging life. Also to try and break away from my 2 second attention span. I will commit to something. I will I will!

So I love things and talking about things so here are some of my favourites and why I love them.

NARS Contour Kit- Melina - £32 

Don't get me wrong I love makeup but usually once I find something I love I stick to it because usually its expensive and I am assured its not a waste of money. I drool over buying lots and lots but I am more of  a minimal person, I like knowing I have an amount that is practical and I will use all of. I would generally die of anxiety every morning if I had draws full of makeup when I tried to get ready with such a massive choice. Anyway back to the point(I like to ramble can you tell) I finally indulged on this little gem after using hoola bronzer for the past few years and oh my god. It is a game changer. ITS INCREDIBLE!  They have a wide colour range which is great with 5 different versions to choose from meaning they have everybody covered. I am yet to use the highlighting portion however the contour powder is insane! RIDICULOUSLY pigmented. You must be careful not to be heavy handed as a little goes a long way. However saying that if you do pick up to much product it blends like a dream! Worth every penny and not the post spend depression I had on the train home after I brought it. Obsessed is not the word. I have all my best friends converted too!

Here is the link to buy it on the nars website, it is also available in most department stores and high end up beauty retailers. 

MAC Prep and Prime Fix +  - £17.50

I had um'd and ar'd about purchasing this due to the price tag and fear of it basically being glorified water but when I saw it slightly discounted in duty free on the way on holiday I caved. And thank god I did because it is amazing under my base. I apply my primer then spray this and pat it into my skin but not so its completely dry then I go on to apply foundation and it makes every single one apply flawlessly! It gives my skin the smooth base it doesn't always have so that my makeup applies perfectly. Even aids the little dry areas so if using matte foundation it doesn't cling to it! If I know I am going to have a long day I also spray this after my makeup is done to sort of set it, I am not sure if it really makes a difference but it sure does make my face feel good!

Here is the link to buy it on the mac website, it is also available in most department stores and high end beauty retailers. 

Carli Bybel Palette- $20

The love I have for this palette, as you can tell from how beat up it is! Not only is it so affordable but the eye shadows and highlighters are crazy pigmented and so long wearing! And of course not to mention its created by the beauty that is Carli Bybel. A lot of the time makeup brought out by celebrities or those in limelight can be a bit lack luster but this is some next level quality. Finding affordable eye shadows that are great is hard but even more challenging to find a highlighter from Boots or Superdrug for cheap that does the job but this one ticks all the box's! Sadly it is only available online but I found the shipping to be really quick and there were not added custom charges. Delivery is super cheap to! I think altogether including shipping costs in totaled to about £10 which is hardly anything for the quality of the product. Carli slaying her makeup line just as she does the rest of her life. 

Here is the link to buy it off the BH cosmetics website. 

TRILOGY Rose Hip Oil- £19.50-£34.50

If you look up the phrase wonder product you would 100% find this there. No skin product or prescribed medication has ever sorted the skin out on my nose like this has. I will probably one day do a indepth post about my skin and products one day but to give a bit of an overview I have suffered with rosacea kerratitis acne and the skin on my nose was just left so damaged and dry that literally nothing worked. Until this. It is rather pricey but I would pray one million to have the result its had on my face. I really had came to the end of my wit with ever finding anything to work for me until my mum heard someone mention it on This Morning stating even Kate Middleton used it and I can totally see why! It has many other uses which you can read all about here on their website. Just buy it. Even if you don't need it buy it. Miracle product it truly is!

You can purchase it here from FEELUNIQUE, a full list of stockist is available on their website right here.

Just a few of my very favourite products right now. If you would like to see a post about my holygrail favourites let me know as I am sure I could ramble about those too. Have a lovely week, I hope it treats you well! 
